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Showing posts from September, 2015

Spain and its not so wonderful public administration.

A week ago I queued up at the National Police Station in Málaga to get a replacement of my N.I.E as I am a bit clumsy and lost it. I queued for around an hour and a half to be told to come back on the 22nd of September at 9:30 with my passport and my university inscription (to prove I was a student), I was given a form to fill out and another to take to the bank to pay a fee of 10.60 euros to get my new NIE paper, I was also asked to bring something that shows I am still being "maintained" by my parents as they put it. This morning I arrived at 9:20 at the station for my appointment, all papers with me, I queued for about 25 minutes and it was my turn finally, I walked in and the nice spanish lady with big hair at the desk took my details and started typing, she then asked me for my European health card, I explained I have been in Spain for 12 years and have a spanish health card, she said that wasn't enough and that I needed another paper to prove I was e...

World Alzheimer's Day.

Every year on the 21st of September, organisations from around the world celebrate World Alzheimer's Day , although it isn´t your typical happy celebration but an attempt to raise awareness across the globe of this common form of dementia.  Alzheimer´s is a mental impairment disorder, it affects many abilities that are fundamental in our day to day lives, we mostly associated it to memory loss. It is a progressive disease and those who are diagnosed live, on average, for around 8 years after the first symptoms ocurr. I myself have met many people suffering from different stages of Alzheimer's, from early stages where some forget where they live or get a little confused as to how they got to the place they are at to those who have lost all abilities to have a normal life and need 24 assistance by personal carers to help feed them and keep them clean. It is a frustrating thing to watch, every day I see it in a lady we know, how she forgets that she is coming out fo...

Eye-opening trip to Los Angeles.

I know it is only September but so much has happened this past year that I feel I am ready for a new, fresh one, so I thought what better way to start off my blog by remembering what a year it has been. After losing my nana right at the beginning of the year, I realised  many things I thought were important stopped being just that, I may only be a 20 year-old girl, not half as ready as I should be to go out in the big bad world, but I think this year has taught me a lot and changed my way of thinking.                                                         The highlight of the year (so far) was the vacation I took this past April to Los Angeles, where I, along with my mum and dad, visited some family I had only met once when I was three. Obviously I didn't remember any of them, all I knew about them was what they posted on their ...