Life goals, something not many people really think about. I, on the other hand, have a sort of obsession when it comes to thinking about the future and life in general, what are we doing? Where are we going? What is it all for? At the end of the day we are just mere pawns, answering to bishops who answer to the knights and the rooks who answer to the king and the queen, not literally of course, but you get what I mean, just pieces in a game we call life. Ask yourselves right now what are your life goals? What do you want to get out of life? Health, money, love, friendship, travel... so many things people aspire to. I have no clue when it comes to what I want. We study to work, work to pay bills, pay bills to live 'comfortably', live 'comfortably' to be happy, be happy to enjoy life and enjoy life to eventually die. How many of us are really enjoying life or doing what we want? When is it too late to go after your life goals? At this very moment, 18:04 on ...