Have you ever noticed you are constantly thinking? Have you ever realised your brain, whilst awake, does not shut off? Probably only half of you have thought about this, probably the other half is now trying to think about it. The reason our brains are constantly having thoughts is mainly due to our ancestors, we don't live in the world they lived in, they had to be prepared for anything. They didn't see the grass as just a bit of green flooring, they saw it as a possible hiding space for a predator or possible danger. They had to be alert, constantly. Another explanation is that we are social animals, we have to be aware of our surroundings and the people we interact with, this is why our brain tends to create 'what if' scenarios, it has to be prepared for whatever case necessary. You probably didn't even think about thinking but our minds are strange little machines, restless and constant. But of course, we can not think about everything,...