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Showing posts from 2015

Unlinking refugees to Paris attack.

By now, most of us have heard about the attacks in the french capital on Friday evening. For those who haven't, here is a brief summary: First attack Friday 13th of November, Stade de France - explosion outside the national stadium while France played Germany. Little after a second explosion echoes inside the stadium. Both carried out by suicide bombers.  Minutes later, in Paris's 10th districts gunmen arrive with rifles at two restaurants, Le Carrion and Le Petit Cambodge. Soon after, another explosion at Stade de France, meanwhile a shooting was carried out at La Bonne Bier in the 11th district. Followed by shootings at La Belle Equipe and Comptoir Voltaire, another two restaurants. Finally, the last attack at around 9:40 in the concert venue Bataclan, also by shootings.  All of these attacks happened between 9:20 and 9:40. As many start hearing of the attacks they automatically started to link them with the Syrian refugees. This is plastered all over soci...

What's your goal?

Life goals, something not many people really think about. I, on the other hand, have a sort of obsession  when it comes to thinking about the future and life in general, what are we doing? Where are we going? What is it all for? At the end of the day we are just mere pawns, answering to bishops who answer to the knights and the rooks who answer to the king and the queen, not literally of course, but you get what I mean, just pieces in a game we call life. Ask yourselves right now what are your life goals? What do you want to get out of life? Health, money, love, friendship, travel... so many things people aspire to. I have no clue when it comes to what I want. We study to work, work to pay bills, pay bills to live 'comfortably', live 'comfortably' to be happy, be happy to enjoy life and enjoy life to eventually die. How many of us are really enjoying life or doing what we want?  When is it too late to go after your life goals? At this very moment, 18:04 on ...

Who's the strange one?

I'm a very curious person, the sort of person who, if interested in something, will research every last details of this. Next week is the deadline for 'erasmus' applications to study a term (or more) abroad and I have found myself surrounded by people asking me all about it. I seem to be the only person with a basic knowledge on the subject in my circle of friends. As me and some friends have been preparing a presentation for one of my university subjects, we have been talking about 'known' bloggers here in Spain, I am supposed to give examples in my presentation and my friends have given me loads of names of people with 'funny' blogs or 'funny you-tubers', when I told them I had no idea who any of these people are they were shocked. They may know everything about insignificant matters such as funny videos but at the end of the day none of them have a clue about what they are actually interested in, for example, studying abroad. Some say I take...

From electors and the elected to rulers and the ruled - Big Brother.

I have a subject at university which is titled 'Technologies applied to advertising and public relations', the teacher is the same man who taught us a similar subject last year, all about Internet control and privacy.  Today we watched a documentary on Edward Snowden, former CIA agent and NSA system analyst, and how he leaked information about how the NSA have access to all digital and analogical information.  A lot of us already know we are being watched, I say a lot of us know, but really how many of us do anything about it? The fact that everything written if not on paper can all be seen quite easily, the NSA had such things called drones, what most of us are only just hearing of, these drones are floating around the world just watching our day to day lives.  This got me thinking, this control is only likely to get worse. When the documentary was finished, we were walking out of class and most of the girls were saying how they already knew about all this con...

Spain and its not so wonderful public administration.

A week ago I queued up at the National Police Station in Málaga to get a replacement of my N.I.E as I am a bit clumsy and lost it. I queued for around an hour and a half to be told to come back on the 22nd of September at 9:30 with my passport and my university inscription (to prove I was a student), I was given a form to fill out and another to take to the bank to pay a fee of 10.60 euros to get my new NIE paper, I was also asked to bring something that shows I am still being "maintained" by my parents as they put it. This morning I arrived at 9:20 at the station for my appointment, all papers with me, I queued for about 25 minutes and it was my turn finally, I walked in and the nice spanish lady with big hair at the desk took my details and started typing, she then asked me for my European health card, I explained I have been in Spain for 12 years and have a spanish health card, she said that wasn't enough and that I needed another paper to prove I was e...

World Alzheimer's Day.

Every year on the 21st of September, organisations from around the world celebrate World Alzheimer's Day , although it isn´t your typical happy celebration but an attempt to raise awareness across the globe of this common form of dementia.  Alzheimer´s is a mental impairment disorder, it affects many abilities that are fundamental in our day to day lives, we mostly associated it to memory loss. It is a progressive disease and those who are diagnosed live, on average, for around 8 years after the first symptoms ocurr. I myself have met many people suffering from different stages of Alzheimer's, from early stages where some forget where they live or get a little confused as to how they got to the place they are at to those who have lost all abilities to have a normal life and need 24 assistance by personal carers to help feed them and keep them clean. It is a frustrating thing to watch, every day I see it in a lady we know, how she forgets that she is coming out fo...

Eye-opening trip to Los Angeles.

I know it is only September but so much has happened this past year that I feel I am ready for a new, fresh one, so I thought what better way to start off my blog by remembering what a year it has been. After losing my nana right at the beginning of the year, I realised  many things I thought were important stopped being just that, I may only be a 20 year-old girl, not half as ready as I should be to go out in the big bad world, but I think this year has taught me a lot and changed my way of thinking.                                                         The highlight of the year (so far) was the vacation I took this past April to Los Angeles, where I, along with my mum and dad, visited some family I had only met once when I was three. Obviously I didn't remember any of them, all I knew about them was what they posted on their ...