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Showing posts from June, 2016

Spanish wedding.

First impression? Nothing has to be perfect, what you see on films isn't the case here in Spain, or at least it wasn't the case this passed Saturday when I attended my first Spanish wedding, what a afternoon and night that was. It was hot, I mean everyone fanning themselves and sweaty hot... Thank god the the plastic mini fans stuck on the church walls!!!! It was a little church that had to hold a lot of people so it was understandable that not everyone got to sit down, many actually just hung around the back near the door, popping in and out.  The first thing that surprised me, although not so much when you think what country we are in, was the noise...Everyone was talking, the priest was doing his religious bit and bride and groom were obviously paying lots of attention and sitting quietly, yes they were sitting.  The line of people sitting behind me did not shut up, neither did the lady next to me who was talking to her granddaughter whilst checking her...

Bettering the world, together.

All I keep seeing on social media these last few days is how we can make a better world together? what makes anyone think that it is even possible? It's us who are ruining, more and more each year, the world itself. Some say why do we think we can fix it? I say there is no loss in trying.  Unfortunately we live in a world where money is power and power is key to success, so they say. Where is this way of thinking getting us? In debt and compliant to others. It takes movements like terrorism in Europe or random shootings in the States for anyone to acknowledge the state the world is in.  The younger generation, or what is know to some as generation Y or millennium generation, those born in the mid 80's and 90's, worry about what can be done to help the world as a whole.  This is a worry that most generations before us didn't have, maybe because they weren't generally as privileged as we are, most of us grew up with all out fundamental needs met...

What would you do?

People work to make money, although most only break even. They go to work to be able to pay their bills, live in a house, buy food and if they are lucky go out for dinner dates, have fun days out or even go on holiday.  A recent study by the University of Sydney says Wednesday is the most depressing day, that more and more people are hating Mondays and loving Fridays. Another study recently carried out on 25 million employees in 189 different countries showed that only 13% of workers enjoyed and were engaged in their jobs, 63% were not fussed, nor happy nor depressed by their current positions and a total of 24% were very unhappy with their jobs. This means that around 21.750.000 people out of 25 million were not over enjoyed about the idea of going to work and making money. What kind of motivation is this? According to this study, work is more of an emotional challenge than it is a source of fulfilment. Why? Why do people work in a position or field they don't lik...