People work to make money, although most only break even. They go to work to be able to pay their bills, live in a house, buy food and if they are lucky go out for dinner dates, have fun days out or even go on holiday.
A recent study by the University of Sydney says Wednesday is the most depressing day, that more and more people are hating Mondays and loving Fridays. Another study recently carried out on 25 million employees in 189 different countries showed that only 13% of workers enjoyed and were engaged in their jobs, 63% were not fussed, nor happy nor depressed by their current positions and a total of 24% were very unhappy with their jobs. This means that around 21.750.000 people out of 25 million were not over enjoyed about the idea of going to work and making money. What kind of motivation is this?
According to this study, work is more of an emotional challenge than it is a source of fulfilment. Why? Why do people work in a position or field they don't like? This is all relative to my previous post It's not what you know, it's WHO you know.
If people aren't happy with their jobs, then they are most likely not putting 100% in to them, therefore not really squeezing the whole potential out of this fast growing economy. It makes me wonder what the world would be like if everyone enjoyed what they did, if everyone gave that 100% we talk about.
It also makes me wonder what people would spend their time on if it wasn't work, if money wasn't necessary and therefore neither was a job, what would people do with themselves, would it be a better place, or would it just make more room for humanity failure?
Would you be doing what you are doing today if you didn't need to go to work and make money? We as humans were given the right to live, or at least most of us, we don't know how long for. For some it's fifty years, for some even less, or those fortunate that get up to 90 years of experience on earth. Time is the only thing we can not recover, not even the richest person alive can buy themselves more time, and unless you know how to go back in time, the only way to change your future is to change your present.
'You don't have to change your goal. Change your path.' - Diane Hendricks.
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