First impression? Nothing has to be perfect, what you see on films isn't the case here in Spain, or at least it wasn't the case this passed Saturday when I attended my first Spanish wedding, what a afternoon and night that was. It was hot, I mean everyone fanning themselves and sweaty hot... Thank god the the plastic mini fans stuck on the church walls!!!!
It was a little church that had to hold a lot of people so it was understandable that not everyone got to sit down, many actually just hung around the back near the door, popping in and out.
The first thing that surprised me, although not so much when you think what country we are in, was the noise...Everyone was talking, the priest was doing his religious bit and bride and groom were obviously paying lots of attention and sitting quietly, yes they were sitting.
The line of people sitting behind me did not shut up, neither did the lady next to me who was talking to her granddaughter whilst checking her Facebook page, the couple at the back that walked down the aisle mid ceremony to give the maid of Honor a piece of paper, the kids at the back running in and out of the church...everyone was doing their own thing, but none of them quietly. At first I thought it was a little disrespectful until I saw the closest family members of the newly wedded couple also talking, I then assumed it must just be the norm.
Mid ceremony, I noticed the flower girl and little boy walking around with baskets, I asked the lady next to me what they were for and she said to give money. Apparently that's the way they do it here...some people just tossed a few coins in but as the basket come passed me at the end it was full of notes, and not just the 5 euro ones. I also learnt that you generally don't but the newly weds a gift, but you give them a little envelope after the meal at the celebratory venue. This special little pocket that carries quite a lot of money. Depending on what you thought the meal cost, you give a certain amount, per a family of four going to a very posh wedding can give you around 200-250 euros. I'm still not sure what I think about it, I like money but surely opening pressies is a lot more fun.
The evening proceeded delightfully, lots of canapés, a lovely meal continued with a free bar and hours of dancing. That is one thing about the Spanish, they definitely know how to drink, dance and have a good time.
All in all it was a lovely evening, which I am glad I could be a part of. It was different to what I was expecting, but who says different has to be bad. Here's to the newly weds, to the ones married for years and not forgetting those, who like me, think marriage is unnecessary.
They did.
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